Monday, March 10, 2008

Spirits & Elementals.

When on shore the day was coming to an end, as the little bit of light that went through the fog was dimming. We opted to wait for the following morning and inspect the surroundings thoroughly. We quickly agreed to take it in shifts and guard the encampment. Whilst inspecting the altar closely, Jarl finds out that the place was once very beautiful. The pavement together with the altar itself were covered with mosaics all with different shapes forming a pattern. Whilst Elessar was taking his shift of duty, guarding the encampment, he felt a slithery feeling turning around him. Looking down he saw that a large snake was around him, frightening him and causing the creature to further alarm itself, and thus start to lock Elessar in its powerful muscles. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a spear flew right into the snake pinning it to the ground dead. Astonished Elessar looked up, there he sees a spirit with the shape of a man. Regaining his posture Elessar stands up and starts to talk to the spirit. He does not manage to gather much other than few important details that sent us all thinking. Elessar told us that the spirit called him master and that he had the feeling that many people had died in many different fights here.

Dawn comes, quickly we all prepare to see what was there in the water, so as to maybe find the disc that fits the oricalcum rod we had found earlier. We tie a rope to Amok's waist just in case he should need us to thug him up. He positioned himself ready and than jumped. The splash was barely two feet high as Ahmok immediately hit the ground with a thud that was almost audible from where we stood.

We opt to continue checking, this time on the other part of this small island. Ahmok, now regretting the scene he had done only minutes before, opts to go down slowly and test the area first. He finds out that the water gets deep almost immediately, and so starts swimming in search for anything that could help us. Shortly after we see commotion in the water, as bubbles and splashing start rising to the surface. We immediately start pulling Ahmok back to shore. Whilst doing so Ahmok rises to the surface shouting and screaming for help. We pulled on the rope with all our strength as screams of pain pierced our ears. As soon as he reached the shoreline, we saw that his left leg was almost bone, as the carnivorous fish had eaten through it and nibbled through other parts of his now massacred body. Immediately Cyrellion took out a last chance salve and placed it carefully on the wounds. After some seconds it took effect as Ahmok coughed out the water he had drank and was now breathing again although still faintly.

Later that same day Elessar opted to talk to the spirit once again. This time managing to get more information. He comes to know that the master's' name is Ferros. Hearing that name Elessar's eyes widen, as he immediately remembers that Ferros was the guy that had translated The Books of Harrow in the version we now have and has also drawn the map we are traveling with. Pondering on the issue at hand Jarl comes up with the idea to summon an elemental that would guide us to the place were Ferros stayed.

The few light the sun provided during the day was now diminishing clearly the night was near and we were tired hungry and very uneasy as the pirates going after us could have found us anytime. During the night drums were heard in the nearby distance. Immediately we covered the light crystal. After a couple of minutes splashing of oars broke through the silence of the swamp. Shouts coming clearly from the master of the ship echoed widely. Surely this wasn't a Theran ship as the Master of the ship used Dwarven.

Day comes as the first light is visible where the sky should have been. We still stuck to Jarl's plan and so an elemental was summoned. Moments after Jarl explained what we needed to the elemental, he turned back to us saying that the elemental would do us this favour in return for the 2 sacrifices otherwise he will have to take one of us in return.

We agree to do this and made this pact with the elemental. We start traveling towards the mountains, there high up on the ledge a man is on guard. He stands up and whistles so as to catch our attention. Pulling out a story we told him that our ship had hit a rock and needs some repairs. He asks us on who's ship we were and adding onto the story we tell him that Maledance was our employer. He tells us to sail further up and enter a cavern, there we were to find all the help needed. So we do, we continue on and enter the cavern the guard had pointed us to. We tie the boat close to shore and ask for help. However Ahmok all of a sudden got edgy. He stepped onto shore grabbed two soldiers from the wrist and pulled them to the boat. One of the soldiers when crashing head first on the boat, whilst the other managed to balance exactly on the edge. All of a sudden we all find ourselves in the middle of a useless fight. Grabbing the other soldier from the wrist Cyrellion managed to throw the other soldier onto the boat as well. Right after both Ahmok and Cyrellion jumped onto the boat, simultaneously shouting for the elemental to leg it out. We managed to leg it safely through a flurry a arrows. When safe we turned on to the hostage soldiers and threw them into the water as a sacrifice to the elemental. The scene to follow wasn't pleasant at all as both soldiers were sucked down and never seen again. After paying our debt to the elemental, we opened the map once again an opted to continue towards the part of the map which we have missing.

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