20th of Rua
After the strange encounter with the gargoyle, we decide we had more than enough of this temple and head back to Libaden, leaving behind the mysteries of the accursed place and its restless ghost in the library. Once in Libaden we decide its time we get ourselves a good draft horse, and we soon as the proud owners of a fine horse we name 'Butters'.
We soon pile Butters up with our gear including the accursed tome we found in the temple. On the road again, we try to make up for lost time, the road to Daiche should not take more than two days on horseback. The first day of riding passes uneventful, and likewise the night.
21st of Rua The following morning , as we turn a bend in the road, we spot a white clad troll walking towards Daiche. We signal our approach and the troll, a female we get to learn is a Questor of Garlen, present herself as Freya. She looks friendly enough and pretty soon she joins us on the road. She is quite the taciturn type, but a good listener. After a whole day of riding we set camp and Freya takes up guard duties with us. The night passes uneventfully.
22nd of Rua After a good breakfast we hit the road again, and once we head clear of the forest the sun shines on the peaks of the Tylon's, my birthplace. Pretty soon we slowly creep back into civilisation as we see in the distance several groups heading towards Kratas and Daiche. By late afternoon we walk into the border town. The first impression of the place is not exactly reassuring, it seems like the bordertown has taken as resident a distinctly unsavory bunch. Several individuals clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs loaf about uselessly, the town of about a thousand is build very haphazardly and it will be quite some time before any semblance of order is established; unless the town destroys itself in the meantime, as we were to hear from the barman of a local tavern 'The Satyr and Stiletto'. Seems like the town has two warring gangs 'the Force of the Eye' (the same group who had a hand in saving us from the dungeons in the very first adventure) headed by a powerfully built black woman referred to as 'the Duchess' and the 'Brochers Brood' gang. After a few beers, a buzzing sound and a distinct smell signal the approach of a long time acquaintance of ours - Longfellow the windling. The small guy is still upto his old habits and he is pretty quickly sloshed up. Nonetheless we do manage to tell him of our mission to find a man going by the name of Forest and he promised to keep an eye out and meet us the following day. After renting rooms for ourselves, and Ivor getting his own room with one of the local wenches, we rest.
23rd of Rua The following morning we head off to market to sell some loot, unfortunately we realize we had forgotten to pack some of the non magical gear we had scrounged from the temple. Instead we decide to sell off a medallion we had found and the silvers should be enough to cover our costs for a few days. Longfellow meets us again and directs us to an tavern named Pappi's before passing out. Once at Pappi's we are pretty sure we spot our man but he seems elusive. Telepathically he instructs us to meet him at another Inn named 'the Pit' in the evening. After spending some time away from Daiche to do some training, we head to the Pit. As the name suggests, the place has a fighting pit in the middle and we spend time having a few rounds and watching the fights and competitions. Time passes and we start growing restless. As midnight approaches Ivor and I head back to Pappi's to investigate what happened to Forest, but once there we find someone else expecting us. A huge troll by the name of Dvorak, who describes himself as a sort of sheriff for this town, is pretty intent on getting info about Forest from us and the situation is pretty tense. I manage to find an excuse to call back the rest of the group over. Once we are all in the now closed tavern, we get to learn that Forest has been brutally murdered at Pappi's a few hours back. As the midnight hour strikes we head up to his room.
24th of Rua
Opening the door revealed the grisly scene of walls covered in blood and a mangled and cut up Forest lifeless on the floor. Elessar steps in to do some investigating and suggests he performs a necromancer talent to reexperience Forest's death. Ajisha goes out to find Freya, on suggestion from Elessar, as the process is obviously very harrowing for Elessar. Once Freya arrives, we are told to head downstairs and wait. After an hour or so Elessar descends, visible distraught and rather incomprehensible. Dvorak is still asking him what he discovered but Elessar asks if he can go pay last respects. After he returns he tells Dvorak some facts and the 'sheriff' instructs us to head out of town. Once safely out of ear's reach, Elessar tells us that he saw Forest being brutally murdered by an expert female assassin and that he transformed the note into a gem. Elessar also shows us a magical ring he manage to slide off Forest. After he utters the command word the gem unfurls into a note, we read it in earnest...
{to insert scan or text of letter}
After the strange encounter with the gargoyle, we decide we had more than enough of this temple and head back to Libaden, leaving behind the mysteries of the accursed place and its restless ghost in the library. Once in Libaden we decide its time we get ourselves a good draft horse, and we soon as the proud owners of a fine horse we name 'Butters'.
21st of Rua The following morning , as we turn a bend in the road, we spot a white clad troll walking towards Daiche. We signal our approach and the troll, a female we get to learn is a Questor of Garlen, present herself as Freya. She looks friendly enough and pretty soon she joins us on the road. She is quite the taciturn type, but a good listener. After a whole day of riding we set camp and Freya takes up guard duties with us. The night passes uneventfully.
22nd of Rua After a good breakfast we hit the road again, and once we head clear of the forest the sun shines on the peaks of the Tylon's, my birthplace. Pretty soon we slowly creep back into civilisation as we see in the distance several groups heading towards Kratas and Daiche. By late afternoon we walk into the border town. The first impression of the place is not exactly reassuring, it seems like the bordertown has taken as resident a distinctly unsavory bunch. Several individuals clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs loaf about uselessly, the town of about a thousand is build very haphazardly and it will be quite some time before any semblance of order is established; unless the town destroys itself in the meantime, as we were to hear from the barman of a local tavern 'The Satyr and Stiletto'. Seems like the town has two warring gangs 'the Force of the Eye' (the same group who had a hand in saving us from the dungeons in the very first adventure) headed by a powerfully built black woman referred to as 'the Duchess' and the 'Brochers Brood' gang. After a few beers, a buzzing sound and a distinct smell signal the approach of a long time acquaintance of ours - Longfellow the windling. The small guy is still upto his old habits and he is pretty quickly sloshed up. Nonetheless we do manage to tell him of our mission to find a man going by the name of Forest and he promised to keep an eye out and meet us the following day. After renting rooms for ourselves, and Ivor getting his own room with one of the local wenches, we rest.
23rd of Rua The following morning we head off to market to sell some loot, unfortunately we realize we had forgotten to pack some of the non magical gear we had scrounged from the temple. Instead we decide to sell off a medallion we had found and the silvers should be enough to cover our costs for a few days. Longfellow meets us again and directs us to an tavern named Pappi's before passing out. Once at Pappi's we are pretty sure we spot our man but he seems elusive. Telepathically he instructs us to meet him at another Inn named 'the Pit' in the evening. After spending some time away from Daiche to do some training, we head to the Pit. As the name suggests, the place has a fighting pit in the middle and we spend time having a few rounds and watching the fights and competitions. Time passes and we start growing restless. As midnight approaches Ivor and I head back to Pappi's to investigate what happened to Forest, but once there we find someone else expecting us. A huge troll by the name of Dvorak, who describes himself as a sort of sheriff for this town, is pretty intent on getting info about Forest from us and the situation is pretty tense. I manage to find an excuse to call back the rest of the group over. Once we are all in the now closed tavern, we get to learn that Forest has been brutally murdered at Pappi's a few hours back. As the midnight hour strikes we head up to his room.
24th of Rua
Opening the door revealed the grisly scene of walls covered in blood and a mangled and cut up Forest lifeless on the floor. Elessar steps in to do some investigating and suggests he performs a necromancer talent to reexperience Forest's death. Ajisha goes out to find Freya, on suggestion from Elessar, as the process is obviously very harrowing for Elessar. Once Freya arrives, we are told to head downstairs and wait. After an hour or so Elessar descends, visible distraught and rather incomprehensible. Dvorak is still asking him what he discovered but Elessar asks if he can go pay last respects. After he returns he tells Dvorak some facts and the 'sheriff' instructs us to head out of town. Once safely out of ear's reach, Elessar tells us that he saw Forest being brutally murdered by an expert female assassin and that he transformed the note into a gem. Elessar also shows us a magical ring he manage to slide off Forest. After he utters the command word the gem unfurls into a note, we read it in earnest...
{to insert scan or text of letter}
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